Rooftop Unit, Cooling & Heating, gas heat. Similar to 90 ton Trane Intellipak
Animations include:
- Cooling coil 1, 2, 3 and 4 stage animation frames, PNG format
- Gas heat, 10 step color change of drum, plus flame animation, PNG format
- Filter, 10 step color change, PNG format
- Outside air damper, 10 step blade rotation, PNG format
- Relief air damper, 10 step blade rotation, PNG format
- Supply fan, on and off, 10 PNG animation frames plus animated GIF
- Return fan, on and off, 10 PNG animation frames plus animated GIF
- Condensing unit fans, on and off, 10 PNG animation frames plus animated GIF (one total animation, including all fans)
- Condensing unit fans in pairs, on and off, 10 PNG animation frames plus animated GIF (4 total animations)
- (4) compressors, on and off, 10 PNG animation frames plus animated GIF